Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forced Many Robots

robot creation rule #373 when in doubt, more circles
robot creation rule #8204 no one will notice if it's sloppy

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hair and Creature Based Doodling

This one took a little bit longer than the 5 minute challenge doodles, but I left it all in pencil so I still consider it a doodle.

This doodle, however; was definitely under 5 minutes. I only scribbled him to give myself an idea of a creature to have her hold. I wanted an interesting little cave dwelling creature, but really a bug-eyed blob is close enough for my limited purposes.

Five Minute Challenge: Tired Cat with Coffee

This was also 94% a no-erase challenge as well. (so close)
This one was a non-posted doodle from yesterday.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Further Pin-up Attemps

This one is a real "fixer-upper". I left her in pencil form because a lot of touch up is needed, but really her only purpose was practice in cartoon styled expression. In a way I think her giant hands just make her more endearing, you know it had to have been difficult making it as a model while overcoming freakish proportions. I think I actually like their shape, and am reluctant to size them down.

Yink Art

Dr. Seuss' Yink, slightly restyled (but still drinking pink ink)
This one was done yesterday, but posting it somehow slipped my mind,
so two separate art posts for the day.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Five Minute Wrinkled Printer Paper Etc. : Hands

A five minute doodle of hands.

...and run through a filter in Gimp2 so it can be viewed by human eyes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Floppy Lop-Eyed Pink Goat Girl Monster

Floppy Lop-eyed monster was supposed to compensate for yesterdays' hiatus, but instead I think my score for yesterday and today is -2. I thought about trying to fix this with a second layer of purple or blue.
For a short while.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Would a 5-Minute Sketch Be Appropriate Compensation for Lateness?

I hope it's clear that this last one was the 5-minute-er
(I don't expect the return of the "no-erase" challenges, as a side note)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Painted Up Marie

Trying out a looser water color style.

Marie Installment II

Installment II of hopefully no more than IV, possibly to reach completion by tomorrow. One more to be posted today, as this one was yesterdays'.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Failed Challenge

I think this meant to be a five-minute-or under no-erase challenge, but you know, things happen. At the point I started erasing the creepy marionette imitating noodles-fingers in her right hand I began thinking "well five-minute-or-under-challenge is still applicable.", but then I went over that time, and instead of cleaning it up and making it respectable I adopted the mindset that I regrettably rarely apply to cat vomits. "that's gross. I don't like that at all. I will deal with that the next time I see it, maybe.", except I didn't strategically place a paper towel over this one.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I don't feel like I really added anything valuable to this today :| if anything I may have made it worse.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Things Scanned Late, and One Which Arrives On Time

Thursdays' five-minutes-or-under doodle was two cute macaroni joined by cheesey arms in a loving embrace

Fridays' five-minutes-or-under doodle was wench practice

and todays' "scanned on the correct day-art" is an OC kept company by partial wenches.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Marie Pt. 1

Just an initial rough sketch, this one will probably take a few installment including watercolor.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

5 Minute Doodle #2

To be completely fair these should be labelled as "5 minutes or under" doodles. To continue the previously established theme: marker on low grade printer paper.

Friday, July 1, 2011

New Project

Sitting here feeling very impressed with myself for updating my "daily art" web log for the first time in a week or so, imagine my surprise to suddenly be overwhelmed by the urge to start a new project, and tonight in addition to my previous post. So this is the option I will force myself to rely on, in the event I have nothing else to post for the day: I'm calling this 'project' "Worth What It's Printed On" (five minute marker drawings on wrinkled printer paper).


Two more commissions. I think the novelty of drawing text has been completely expended. On another note; now that there is no longer ongoing trauma with the domestic creatures I think I'm going to try to get back to the point of this project and try to make some art every day to be posted here.