Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Traffic Jam

It's not really that I haven't been doing my daily arts (maybe just a little (one missed day)). It's more that I have not felt like scanning and cropping things. So here's the backlog of four daily arts.

fixing hands and scrolls
getting the horribly deformed scrolls marker ready
some marker, finally
and one non-paper project

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yoga Comission

I'm doing some cheap commissions to try some art ideas outside of my comfort zone.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Work Days are More Productive Than Others

It's a sea cucumber via half working ball point pen.

Oh, and btw, that awful thing I ruined by coloring from before.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sirens 2

I'm not liking the top creatures face, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it yet.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sirens Layout

A very rough layout for a project of three sirens, of the half bird sort like the original mythology. Maybe an additional half fish siren project after this one is completed. Also: I did color the black and white angel last night, but for some reason the flash drive didn't save it after it was scanned, so odds are I'm not going up and down the stairs an additional time to make it happen today. I chose a bright pink for her body which I woke up to find remnants of streaked on my face. Apparently sliding your dominant hand over your work becomes more worthy of caution with marker.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ugly Angel Finished Black and White

I'm debating coloring this tonight, but I'm undecided on what color scheme. Maybe red, purple, or both.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ugly Angel part 2

I can still recall some point in early Elementary School when for some art project a kid next to me thought he came up with a really masterful technique. He bragged to the rest of the round table (we sat at round tables so I'm thinking second grade possibly) that he could draw the best trees. Instead of drawing a trunk with a large tumerous mass on top; his great idea was to draw hundreds of individual leaves. He spent days on this project, and I looked on in amazement at the completion of the most hideous abomination I could have ever imagined. I sort of feel like that right now. In addition to that musing nearing the days' completed allotment of forced daily art I also got to thinking "gee, this is some outstanding paper. It's not often that paper completely refuses to allow pencil to be erased from it.". I also recently found that this brand of paper completely rejects paint. Some day I am going to buy out this papers' company and change nothing about it but its' name.
"FML Paper: accommodating your every need to fyl.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ugly Angel Part 1

I feel like wings drawn on a person/creature should at least look large enough to potentially hold it's weight, although this theory presents clear difficulties execution-wise.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Afro Finished

This is the final edition of this project, the painting aside from the fleshtone (which is shockingly difficult to make from primary colors) was completed last night and I decided not to scan it because I didn't feel like risking any paint being damp against the scanner. The computer elements I worked out today; so that is my daily art (harder than any other art, so surely it counts). Thanks for the grey hairs Gimp2.

Monday, May 2, 2011


That's all of that, I may decide to tone down the yellow in the eyes, but otherwise I'm sick of it and that is the signal for completion. (yesterdays unposted art, and then todays)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Not So Forced, Not So Daily Art

I have been doing slight  "somethings" the past three days, I just didn't find them significant enough to post, or maybe I didn't like them enough. The oldest of the three un-updates I didn't even scan, that's how good it was, but it morphed into these, and more layers are being applied. 

*Update* Apparently I only have just the one update, seeing as I have mysteriously lost the scan of the finished marker uncolored version. I inadvertently re posted the initial pencil version, instead.