Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ugly Angel part 2

I can still recall some point in early Elementary School when for some art project a kid next to me thought he came up with a really masterful technique. He bragged to the rest of the round table (we sat at round tables so I'm thinking second grade possibly) that he could draw the best trees. Instead of drawing a trunk with a large tumerous mass on top; his great idea was to draw hundreds of individual leaves. He spent days on this project, and I looked on in amazement at the completion of the most hideous abomination I could have ever imagined. I sort of feel like that right now. In addition to that musing nearing the days' completed allotment of forced daily art I also got to thinking "gee, this is some outstanding paper. It's not often that paper completely refuses to allow pencil to be erased from it.". I also recently found that this brand of paper completely rejects paint. Some day I am going to buy out this papers' company and change nothing about it but its' name.
"FML Paper: accommodating your every need to fyl.

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