Monday, January 31, 2011

Critters In Jars

It's a shame really that a fifth of this page got cut off from being too large for the scanners ability, well almost a shame based on how it worked out. So really it's just a critter in a jar. Maybe in the near future I will scan other portions of this and try to splice them all together. And maybe in the near future watercolor never again. If for any instant in your mind you come to the conclusion that watercolor looks fantastically easy, don't. It's a trap.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Goat Girl

This may mark the last time I attempt to cover up mistakes with water-color.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Swordfish-based Super Hero

Madeline is an environmental rights oriented activist. She doesn't take her meds. She frees creatures from nets. One day while liberating some fish she becomes tangled in the net and is stung by an odd looking jellyfish. She becomes weak and moments before drowning a fisherman drags her up, out of the net and to safety. She is weary and returns home. In the weeks following the incident she finds that nothing seems to have changed except now the medication for her personality disorder is no longer effective when taken as prescribed. Madeline continues to attempt to free sea life, and style her hair as she always had during lapses of taking her medication.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quarter Machine

I have a feeling that if these machines were produced there would be a sudden deluge of homeless cats.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Eye Martini

There will probably be more "obscure eye art" tomorrow as well.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cat with Spider

The average person is said to consume four spiders annually in their sleep. I can't even begin to imagine how non cat owners manage to get their yearly allotment.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Spaghetti Hat (with tutorial)

How to create some obscure thing that you will hate, in ten easy to execute steps:

1. Commit yourself to spending no more that 20 minutes in total on your "project".
2. Subject matter: think about something that doesn't belong on a hat.
3. Planning: in pencil, put that thing on a hat.
4. Eat a counterfeit "pop tart" as you "work" with a hungry cat in the general vicinity: as you swipe at the creature while attempting to eat, your desperation will translate into your "work".
5. Enough of that now: go over your sloppy pencil sketch in ink.
6. Change it unplanned, as you go. It doesn't really matter, it's all wrong anyway.
7. Hurry up: the faster you go the faster it will be finished with.
8. Skip steps eight and nine, they won't help you now.
9. See step eight.
10. Moments before resigning: decide to fabricate some additional element that will decrease from the overall visual appeal.

You are finished! Now you have created 'forced daily art'.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Classics Remastered

TGIZF.  "Here's Lookin' at you kid. Particularly this eye." I considered "classics remastered in living-dead color", but color wouldn't have been right for such a somber zombie moment.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Peanut butter and Jelly will always be loving and faithful to each other, however wacky hi jinx are bound to occur when their creepy cousin, Milk makes gets out of jail and crashes on their couch for a few weeks while he waits to find out if Strawberry milk is truly his child.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nuclear Holocaust Anteater

When you think "nuclear holocaust", (which I expect you think of often) you most likely think Twinkies and roaches. I think anteaters, maybe after a bit more evolution. They are an obvious choice for last animal standing due to their ergonomic willingness to conform to outdated war materials. I like to think they would use their claws for sifting through rubble, and their fluffy tails for clearing away lighter debris. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pigeon Man

Pigeon Man don't need no stinkin' color! Pigeon man was raised on a rooftop in a pigeon coop and everyone knows pigeons don't have no stinkin' need for no Crayola. Pigeon Man is an honest to goodness super hero, despite not having any moral compass. It's the pigeons that do all of the work, really. The pigeons seek out what they deem to be evil and hover their buddy over the offense until he inevitably defecates. This is how pigeons have chosen to dish out punishment for decades, just now they have better artillery. Pigeon Man! Pigeon Man! He does not much more than the average pigeon can.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blood Orange

I came to the conclusion that a Monday warranted a cheerful image. After completing this, and before coloring it I did a Google image search for anthropomorphic blood orange furiously ripping open it's own crust, and then maybe a second search a little less detailed. Neither attempt located any relevant images, a lot of bananas with googly eyes. This is possibly among the first published orange of it's kind, and I wouldn't even be surprised to have the citrus farmers of Florida vying for the right to promote their products with this cute character. It sort of makes me want an orange, maybe that's good enough.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Venus Eye Trap

I feel like cringing directly after labeling something in this fashion should be a good indication not to. Unfortunately, I have no current need for logic, as this image may have already implied.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Zombie Pin-up Girl

TGIZF! Imagine my dismay upon finding out how many times this had been done before. Well, one more to add to the list and at least it's not green.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snail Sugar Cone

Maybe some day this image will be replaced with a similar one that looks as though it were scanned by someone who knows how to use a scanner. Not today.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So here we are at day one of self pressured art. I'm sure it goes without saying that based on 'the plan' this piece will be among the more labored productions, and from here the others will all swiftly slide down a muddy slope of indifference and laziness, or just plain aggravation. I am optimistic.